


Mr. Jordan is going to London. He prefers to travel by air. Mr. Jordan is a businessman so he can't afford to waste time. Certainly, it is much more expensive than travelling by train, but it is less time consuming. So he asks his secretary, Miss Pane, to make a reservation for him.


Miss Pane (speaking over the telephone): Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for a non-stop flight to London. Are there any seats available on Monday?

Travel agent: Just a minute... Let me check. When would you like to go?

Miss Pane: In the afternoon.

Travel agent: All right. Flight number 2500 is full, but there is a space on Pan Am's flight at 3p.m. Does that suit you?

Miss Pane: The Pan Am suits me perfectly. What time does it get in?

Travel agent: At 5:40 p.m.

Miss Pane: That's very convenient. And what's the flight number?

Travel agent: 147. May I have your name, please?

Miss Pane: I'm making reservation for my boss, Mr. Thomas Jordan.

Travel agent: Thank you.

Miss Pane: Thank you. You were most helpful.

- 2 -

A:        Can I check in here for flight 179 to Houston?

B:        Do you already have your ticket?

A:        Yes, here you are.

B:        Thank you. Can you put your luggage up here, please?

A:        Sure. I have four suitcases.

В:        We allow only three pieces. I'm afraid you'll have to pay an extra charge.

A:        Oh! Can I just carry this one with me?

B:        No, I'm sorry. It won't fit under your seat. That's 8 dollars. Thank you. You can choose your seat at Gate 4. Enjoy your flight.

- 3 -

A: Hello. Are you going to London?

B:  Yes, I am. I'd like a window seat, please.

A: May I see your ticket?

B:  Oh, sure. Here it is.

A: Fine. Seat 12A. Here is your ticket and your boarding pass. Enjoy your flight!

- 4 -

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome aboard the British Airship flight to London. The plane is go­ing to take off. Please fasten your belts and kindly refrain from smoking. We hope you'll have a pleas­ant flight.

Passenger: Excuse me, miss. When do we land in London?

Stewardess: The plane lands in London at 11 a.m.

Passenger: Thank you. Will any meals be served on the plane?

Stewardess: Yes, of course. You'll have lunch in half an hour.



airline – авиалиния

jet plane – реактивный самолёт

to fly by plane – лететь самолётом

non-stop flight – беспосадочный полёт

to cancel the flight – отменить рейс


to take off – взлетать

to land – приземляться

boarding pass – посадочный талон

aisle – проход



Topical phrases

Fasten your seat belts – Пристегните ремни.

The plane takes off at ...  Самолёт вылетает в

The plane arrives at ... – Cамолёт прибывает в ...

Have you enjoyed the flight? Вы хорошо перенесли noлёт.

No, I was airsick. – Нет, меня тошнило.

I’d like to make a reservation. – Я хотел бы заказать билет.

When is the next flight to...? Когда следующий рейс до...?

What time should I check in? — Когда начнется регистрация?

Two hours before take off. — За два часа до вылета.




I. Найдите в диалогах английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:


Предпочитает летать самолётом, не может себе позволить тратить время впустую, гораздо более дорогой, занимает меньше времени, заказать билет, подходит вам, очень удобно, зарегистрироваться на рейс, три места багажа, дополнительная плата, поместится под сидением, место у окна, приятного вам полёта, добро пожаловать на борт, пристегните ремни, воздержитесь от курения, подавать еду. 


II. Как бы вы поддержали разговор:

1.    You prefer travelling by air, don't you?

2.    How do you usually buy tickets?

3.    You get to London at 5:40. It's rather quick.

4.    Where do you prefer to sit? In an aisle or window-seat?

5.    Have you enjoyed the flight?

6. I was airsick.


III. Задайте вопросы, на которые можно ответить следующим образом:


I prefer travelling by air. That's for sure.


My secretary usually makes reservations for me.


A non-stop flight. Those taking off and landing make me airsick.


Because it is less time-consuming.


If it is your first flight, you must know the procedure. First, you should check in and have your luggage registered, then go through customs, and you board the plane.


No, all the international flights are non-smoking today.


IV. Переведите на английский язык:


1. Я хочу заказать билет до Нью-Йорка. 2. Я отдаю предпочтение беспосадочному дневно­му рейсу. 3. Когда прибывает самолет из Мо­сквы? 4. Когда я должен быть в аэропорту? 5. Вы хорошо долетели? — Нет, очень плохо. Меня тошнило. 6. Когда следующий рейс в Париж? 7. Ваш билет, пожалуйста. 8. Я хотел бы место возле окна. 9.Будут ли нас кормить в самолете? 10. Покажите мне мое место, пожалуйста. 11. Я плохо себя чувствую. Позовите стюардессу, пожалуйста. 12. Когда мы прилетаем в Лондон?

Past Perfect Continuous


    Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They travel by plane, by train, by ship, by car or on foot.

     Of course, travelling by plane is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other kinds of travelling.

    Travelling by ship is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Tourists can make voyages on large ships to foreign countries. The trips on the Volga, the Don and the Black Sea are very popular today.

     Many people prefer travelling by car. It is more convenient because you do not have to buy tickets or carry your heavy suitcases, you can stop at any place and spend as much time as you like. It is very interesting to see many new places in a short time.



1.  Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling?

2. Why do people travel?

3. What kinds of travelling do you know?

4. What is the fastest kind of travelling?

5. What is the slowest kind of travelling?

6.  How do you prefer to travel and why?


 Vocabulary notes

Impossible – невозможно

Enterpreise – предприятие

To travel on business – путешествовать по делу

To travel for pleasure – путешествовать ради удовольствия

Advantage – преимущество

Disadvantage – недостаток

Coach tours – автобусные туры

To do sightseeing – осмотреть достопримечательности

In advance – заранее

To go abroad – ездить за рубеж

-текстовый этап (чтение текста)



Modern life is impossible without traveling. Many people travel every day to our schools, offices and factories. Sometimes they go to another country or city on business. Business people travel a lot. They may have their enterprises abroad or just meet their business partners in other cities or countries.

Millions of people spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents. It is always interesting to discover new things, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music.

So people can travel for pleasure or on business. They can use various means of transport. The quickest way is to travel by plane. But some people are afraid of fly.

Traveling by train is slower, but it has its advantages. You can see the country around you, so you are not only traveling, but your holidays have already begun. It is better to book tickets and reserve the hotel room in advance.

Traveling by sea is mostly for those who are going on holiday and want a pleasant voyage. On board of a large cruise ship people traverse oceans and visit other countries.

Many people like to travel by car. The greatest advantage is that you can stop whenever you like, you can start from your own front door and take any road you like. It is not convenient sometimes and if the trip is long you can feel tired.

Coach tours are very popular. They are planned as a holidays and there is a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time. It is not convenient sometimes as you have no possibility to have rest.

All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. When traveling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home.

Holidaymaking has become one of the most profitable industries and the budget of many countries, such as Turkey, Egypt and Greece depends on tourism a lot.


Task1: Answer the questions to the text


1 Why do people traveling?

2 What is the quickest kind of transport?

3 What kind of transport do you prefer?

4 Have you ever traveled by air?

5 Have you ever traveled by sea? Did you like it?

6 What preparations do people usually make before a journey?

7 What places would you like to visit?

Task 2: Find in the text English equivalents to the following words

Предприятия, за границей, деловые партнёры, различные виды транспорта, заранее, преимущество, бюджет, туризм, зависеть, прибыльный, пересекать океан.


Task 3: match the word from the left column to the word from the right column to make up the word combinations.


another                      way

different                   advantage

greatest                     food

couch                       industry

good                        country

profitable                  tours

quickest                    rest


Task 4: make up the table using information about different ways of traveling


