International cooperation



   The first International Arts festival “Slavonic Bazaar” was opened on the 15th of July 1992 in Vitebsk. From this time every year Vitebsk meets singers, composers, dancers, artists, from many countries of the world. You can see guests from Europe, Asia, America and Australia there.

   The programme of the festival is very interesting and diverse. There are concerts of the pop music “stars“, a competition of young singers, the concerts of children’s music groups, the international beauty contest “Miss Slavyanka“, folk concerts, the national culture days, the fashion holiday, the ballet holiday, “Pevtcheskoye Pole“, the demonstration of new films, “Jazz club“, “Disco bazaar“, “Literary sitting-room“, picture and photo exhibitions, “Town of Masters“, Vitebsk birthday, etc.

  The main concert ground is Vitebsk amphitheatre. Many people come to the festival from different towns and villages. Besides, people can watch the festival on TV in 28 countries. 

In hot days of July Vitebsk celebrates its birthday. The people in Vitebsk enjoy themselves greatly: they take part in different holiday activities, they sing and dance together with professional singers and dancers. The artists draw portraits of every passer-by if he wants.

  In short, “Slavonic Bazaar” is a great festival for many people from many countries. It shows the friendship of Slavonic nations, their desire to live in peace and to meet each other.  



singer – певец

artist – художник

guest – гость

diverse – разнообразный

competition – конкурс, соревнование

contest – конкурс 

folk – фольклорный, народный

exhibition – выставка

amphitheatre – амфитеатр

to celebrate – праздновать 

to enjoy – хорошо проводить время, получать удовольствие 



peace мир   




I .Find English equivalents.:


С этого времени, гости из Европы, программа разнообразна, конкурс молодых исполнителей, международный конкурс красоты, концерты фольклорных коллективов, праздник моды, выставки картин, день города, главная концертная площадка, смотреть по телевизору, отмечать, праздничные мероприятия, рисовать портреты, короче говоря, дружба славянских народов, жить в мире.


II. Make up word-combinations:

1.            musical

2.            diverse

3.            pop music

4.            young

5.            beauty 

6.            folk

7.            national

8.            fashion

9.            literary

10.        picture

11.        concert

12.        holiday

13.        professional

a. programme

b. singers

c. contest

d. stars

e. festival

f. culture

g. holiday

h. exhibitions

i. concerts

j. sitting-room

k. dancers

l. ground

m. activities


III. Complete the sentences using the words:

1. The programme of the festival is very interesting and … .

2. One of the central events of the festival is a … of young singers.

3. The concerts of the national … days are very popular.

4. The main concert ground is Vitebsk … .

5. The people in Vitebsk take part in different holiday … .

6. The … draw portraits of every passer-by if he wants.

7. “Slavonic Bazaar” shows the … of Slav nations, their desire to live in  … .   





friendship competition




 IV. Answer the questions:

1. Would you like to visit Slavonic Bazaar?

2. When was the first “Slavonic Bazaar” opened?

3. What is the name of the main concert ground in Vitebsk?

4. What is the programme of the festival? 

5. What famous artists take part in Slavonic Bazaar?

6. Whom would you like to see at Slavonic Bazaar?

7. Do many people come to the festival from different towns and villages of Belarus? 

8. In how many countries can people watch the festival on TV?  

9. When and how does Vitebsk celebrate its birthday?

10. Why is the International Arts festival “Slavonic Bazaar” important? What is its main idea? 


 V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Фестиваль встречает гостей из разных стран.

2. Я хотела бы сходить на концерт этого популярного певца и композитора.

3. В программе фестиваля конкурс молодых исполнителей и дни национальных культур.

4. Главная идея фестиваля – дружба славянских народов и их желание жить в мире.


The Importance of English language in our life

The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being. It’s not surprising, that English is one of the most important languages nowadays. English is spoken practically all around the world. Today English is used by at least 750 million people. It is necessary in different spheres.
Alex: “I think, learning foreign languages is very useful because it helps us to communicate with people from other countries, to understand another culture, to make a person educated and well rounded. As for me, I began to learn English at the age of twelve. At that time I didn’t know, why I chose this language. And now I can say with sure: “It was a good choice for me”.

Kate: “I agree that if you see the world only from the perspective of your own native language, you can’t stretch your mind to other people and nations. I have English three times a week .But I also have an optional lesson. Every day I listen to the cassettes, read and translate texts and make dialogues, do many exercises, use the Internet and I think that it`s very important”

David:”Besides, I have an opportunity to communicate with native speakers through the Internet. One of my friends is from America. His name is Steve. We have the same interests. He really likes our culture. We like to discuss our problems. He always supports me about my future plans. I use every possibility to talk with my American friend. It’s the best way to improve my English skills.”

Fred:”Learning English helps me to choose the future profession. I want to be an interpreter, because I know that it’s a very interesting and well-paid job. But learning English is not only for my future career. It also makes me more intelligent and understanding the English speech.”

1. Answer the questions:

1. Is it necessary to learn English today?

2. Do you want to learn a foreign language?

3. Find the sentences from the text which show the importance of learning English today?

2. Say if the sentences are true or false:

1.      Alex began to learn English at the age of five.

2.      David has English classes five times a week.

3.      Kate has optional lessons.

4.      Fred has an American friend.

5.      David and Fred are friends.

6.      Fred wants to be an interpreter.

3. Match the pictures with the sentences:               

1.  He has an American friend-                               

2. He wants to be an interpreter-

3. He thinks that he made a right choice-              

4. She does a lot to learn English-


4. Complete the sentences:

1. Alex thinks that learning foreign languages is very useful because…

2. Kate thinks that you can`t …

3. David thinks that communication…

4. Fred wants…

