The Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe in the extreme western part of the East-European Plain. It borders on Poland in the west, the Baltic states, Lithuania and Latvia, in the north-west, Russia in the east and (the) Ukraine in the south. Our country is situated at the crossroads of trade routes from west to east and from north to south.

Belarus occupies the territory of 207.6 thousand square kilometres. The country stretches for 560 kilometres from north to south and for 650 kilometres from west to east. By the size of its ter­ritory, Belarus is the 13th among the European countries and the 6th among the CIS countries. The area of Belarus is slightly smaller than that of Great Britain. Its population is about 10.3 million people, 78% of whom are Belarusians. Representatives of more than 100 ethnic groups live in Belarus. Most people in Belarus (about 64%) live in towns and cities.

Belarus is situated on a plain rising to hills, the highest of which is Dzierzhinsky Hill reaching 350 metres above sea level. About twenty thousand rivers and streams run in all directions across the country. Half of them flow into the Baltic Sea, the other half into the Black Sea. The longest rivers are the Dnieper, the Neman, the Western Dvina, the Pripyat, the Berezina, the Sozh and the Vilia.

Belarus is a lake country. There are about 10,800 lakes here. The lakes are particularly numerous in the north. The largest one is Lake Naroch. The swamps of Belarus deserve separate mention. These unique natural ecosystems cover nearly a quarter of the country.

The real treasure of Belarus lies in its forests. They cover a third of the country. The most famous national parks and reserves are Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Braslavsky and Narochansky National Parks, Berezinsky Reserve and others. Here one can enjoy a great diversity of flora and fauna, some of which have survived only in Belarus.

The climate of Belarus is moderate continental with mild and humid winters, warm summers and rainy days in autumn. The average tempera­ture in January is minus 5-8 degrees Celsius and that in July is plus 20°C. Even though Belarus is a land-locked country, its climate is strongly influenced by the Baltic Sea.


plain – равнина

border – граница


trade route – торговый путь

area – площадь

representative – представитель

hill – холм

above sea level – над уровнем моря



to deserve separate mentionзаслуживать отдельного упоминания 





to influenceвлиять


I. Say in which Belarusian regions these rivers flow. Which of them is the
nearest to the place you live?

the Dnieper, the Neman, the Western Dvina, the Pripyat, the Bere­zina, the Sozh


II. Say what geographical features characterize Belarus in these areas.

in the extreme western part;

in the west;

in the south;

in the north;

in the north-west;

from east to west;

from north to south.


III. Find the sentences from the text which mean the same.

1. Our country lies in the centre of Europe.

2. Where the roads meet.

3. The area of Belarus is …

4. A little smaller.

5. To run on the territory of the country.

6. There are so many lakes in the north.

7. We should say some words about Belarusian swamps.

8. Here one can see many kinds of animals, birds and plants.


IV. What are these figures about? Give information about Belarus using them.

345 metres above sea level

the 13th


20 degrees above zero

560 kilometres

the 6th

a third of the country

5-8 degrees below zero

twenty thousand

650 kilometres

10.3 million


207.6 thousand square kilometres



V. Answer the questions.

1. What countries does Belarus border on?

2. What are the advantages of the geographical position of Belarus?

3. What is the area of Belarus?

4. What can you say about the population of Belarus?

5. Where do most Belarusian people live?

6. Which rivers are the longest?

7. Which part of Belarus may be called the real lake kingdom?

8. What area do Belarusian swamps and forests cover?

9. What national parks can you name?

10. What is Belarusian climate influenced by?


1.Memorize the words:













2. Name the words:

·         Cause to become less-

·         Area of soft wet land-

·         Area where by law it is forbidden to kill animals-

·         Group of small wood and trees-

·         A very big animal  in Belarusian forests-


3. Give the comparative and superlative of the adjectives:

Beautiful, thick, long, large, great, famous, rare, mild.


4. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1)Belarus is situated in Asia. 2)It boards with France. 3) Our native land is very beautiful.

4) The aurochs live in the Belarusian Polesye.


5. Choose a word from the box to put into each gap:

To decrease, has affected, is covered, borders on, climate, radiation, has poisoned

1.      Belarus… Latvia, Russia ? Poland and other countries.

2.      More than a quarter of the republic… with forests and bushes.

3.       The… of Belarus is continental.

4.      The.. has spoiled our soil and air, it has… our flora and fauna, and besides it … the health of people. It is important to… the level of radiation.


6. Speak about:

·         Where  Belarus is situated;

·         What countries Belarus borders on;


7. Prove that:

·         Belarus is very beautiful country;

·         Our country has a lot of lakes and rivers;

·         The nature of  Belarus has suffered much;


8.  Choose the right variant:

1. Belarus is situated in

a) the eastern part of Asia;

b) the western part of Africa;

c) the eastern part of Europe;


2. The area of Belarus is

1) 104.3 thousand square kilometres;

2) 207.6 thousand square kilometres;

3) 200 thousand square kilometres;


3. Our land is beautiful with it`s

a) mountains and hills;

b) lakes and rivers, forests;

c) factories;


4. Belovezhskaya Puscha is

a) a big park;

b) a national reservation;

c) a large province.



In the commercial world today trade fairs and exhibitions are very important for business contacts.

Every year a lot of international, national and speciali­zed exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies who take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits which show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries.

Usually fairs and exhibitions are crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display. The visitors usually ask many questions and the stand attendants answer them and explain everything in great details.

At international and national exhibitions commercial cen­tres are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods.

Every exhibition is an eye-opening experience and al­so a method to advertise products. Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes: people and progress, peace and progress through economic cooperation and so on. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the con­solidation of friendship among countries and nations.



fair – ярмарка

exhibition – выставка

to hold (held) – проводить 

to take part – принимать участие

to grow – расти 

scopeзд. возможности

displayзд. ассортимент демонстрируемых товаров

to include – включать в себя

wide – широкий

range – спектр, ассортимент

exhibit – экспонат 

achievement – достижение 

crowd – толпа

stand attendant – стендист

to establish – создавать, учреждать to negotiate – вести переговоры



to be an eye-opening experienceпозволять воочию убедиться  

to advertiseрекламировать  



to pave the wayпрокладывать путь

con­solidationзд. укрепление




I.Find English equivalents:

Деловые контакты, специализированные выставки, международные ярмарки, принимают участие, из года в год, широкий ассортимент, последние достижения, в различных областях науки, проявляют интерес, экспонаты на выставке, задают много вопросов, всё подробно объясняют, могут обсудить, продажа и покупка товаров, способ прорекламировать, проводятся под девизом, экономическое сотрудничество. 


II. Match the words:


1. to hold

2. to take part

3. to show

4. to ask

5. to explain

6. to establish

7. to negotiate

8. to advertise

a. in great details

b. commercial cen­tres

c. many questions

d. the sale and the purchase

e. products

f. in exhibitions

g. fairs

h. the latest achievements


III.Complete the sentences:


1. Trade fairs and exhibitions are very important for … contacts.

2. The exhibitions and fairs can be … , national and … .

3. The … during the exhibitions includes a wide … of exhibits.

4. They show the latest … in different fields of … , science and … of many countries.

5. Usually visitors show much interest in the … on display.

6. The visitors ask many questions and the stand … answer them.

7. At international and national exhibitions … cen­tres are established.

8. The participants can … the sale and the purchase of different goods.














IV. Answer the questions:


1. What kinds of exhibitions and fairs do you know?

2. What can you see at the exhibitions?

3. Do visitors usually show much interest in the exhibits on display?

4. Who can answer the visitors’ questions?

5. Why are commercial cen­tres established at international and national exhibitions?

6. Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise goods?

7. Why are trade fairs and exhibitions important for business contacts?

V.Translate into English:

1. Вы когда-нибудь были на международных выставках?

2. Какие новые товары вы видели вчера на ярмарке?

3. Мы хотели бы обсудить наше дальнейшее сотрудничество.

4. Давайте представим нашу продукцию на выставке. Это хороший метод рекламы.  

5. Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы. Наш специалист объяснит вам всё очень подробно.

6. Каковы последние достижения в этой области?
