The United Kingdom of Great Britain



The United Kingdom is an island country in north-western Europe. It is really four countries united under one government. These countries are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The nation's official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is the capital and largest city.

The English Channel separates the UK from France. This narrow stretch of water has helped protect the UK from invasion, and has given the people a feeling of security. Since 1065, no enemy has crossed the channel and invaded the country.

The history of the United Kingdom is the story of how a small island country became the world's most powerful nation — and then declined. In the 1700's, the British began the Industrial Revolution and made the United Kingdom the world's richest manufacturing country. The British ruled the seas, and were the world's greatest traders. By 1900, they had an empire that covered about a fourth of the world's land and included about a fourth of its people. They spread their way of life throughout their empire.

Then came the 1900's – and the shock of two world wars. The British Empire began to fall away. The UK faced one economic crisis after another. Today, the UK is still a leading industrial and trading nation. But it is no longer the world power it once was.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The queen reigns, but does not rule. The Cabinet of ministers headed by the Prime Minister actually rules the country.

Parliament makes the law of the United Kingdom. Parliament consists of the queen, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords.

The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries that succeeded the British Empire. The United Kingdom is the heart of the Commonwealth but has no special powers over its former colonies.

Armed services of the United Kingdom are made up of volunteers. About 293,000 volunteers serve in the nation's army, navy, and air force.

The United Kingdom is more thickly populated than most countries. It has an average of 236 people per square kilometre. About nine-tenths of the people live in cities and towns. About 48 million people, or more than four-fifths of the British population, live in England.


island – остров

stretch – пространство, участок

invasion – военное вторжение

enemy – враг

to invade – оккупировать

powerful – сильный

to decline – приходить в упадок

to cover – занимать (территорию)

to include – включать в себя

to spread – распространять

to face – сталкиваться

to reign – царствовать

to rule – править

law – закон

to consist – состоять из

House of Commons – Палата Общин

commonwealth – содружество

to succeed – сменять, быть приемником 

former – бывший

armed services – вооружённые силы

volunteer – доброволец

navy – военно-морской флот

air force – военно-воздушные силы

average – средний 


I. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

Официальное название, Ла-Манш, чувство безопасности, пересекали пролив, оккупировали страну, промышленная революция, господствовали на морях, занимала около четверти суши, образ жизни, по всей империи, всё ещё ведущая промышленная держава, глава государства, руководит страной, принимает законы, независимые страны, бывшие колонии, служат в армии, густо населённый.




II. Вставьте предлоги:

1. to be united … one government;

2. to separate Britain … Europe;

3. to protect the UK … invasion;

4. a feeling … security;

5. to spread their way of life … the empire;

6. to be headed … the Prime Minister;

7. to have no power … its former colonies;

8. to serve … the navy;

9. 236 people … square kilometre.

III. Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами:

1. The United Kingdom consists of 4 countries … under one … .

2. The nation's … name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

3. The English Channel … the UK from France.

4. A small island country became the world's most … nation.

5. As a result of the … the UK became the world's richest … country.

6. The British Empire … about ¼ of the world's land and … about ¼ of its people.

7. The UK … one economic crisis after another.

8. Today, the UK is still a … industrial and trading nation.

9. The queen …, but does not … .

10. Parliament makes the … of the UK and consists of the queen, the House of … , and the House of …. .

Industrial Revolution
















IV. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2. What countries does the UK consist of?

3. What is the capital of the UK?

4. What role did the English Channel play in the history of the United Kingdom?

5. How did the UK become the world's most powerful nation?

6. What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution for the United Kingdom?

7. When did the British Empire begin to fall away?

8. Who is the head of state in the UK? Who rules the country?

9. What do you know about British Parliament?

10. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?

11. Who serves in the UK’s army?

12. Where does the majority of the UK’s population live?

VI. Переведите на английский язык:

            1. Вы бывали в Лондоне? 2. Как называется пролив, который отделяет Великобританию от Франции? 3. Мой друг интересуется историей этой страны. 4. В начале XX века Британия господствовала на морях и была богатейшей индустриальной страной. 5. Премьер министр является главой правительства. 6. В Содружество Наций входит Великобритания и её бывшие колонии. 7. Вооружённые силы Соединённого Королевства состоят из армии, военно-морского флота и военно-воздушных сил. 8. Британия – очень густо населённая страна. Большинство населения проживает в городах.     
